LWE Top 25 Winners

What we are so proud of is that we are truly are fulfilling our mission of the raising the visibility platform for leaders. We know that our work with our media partners matters and we are changing perspectives and making an impression!

Finalists and honorees benefit from the ongoing brand building opportunities that come with involvement in LWE. Many of them have been featured in NJBIZ, ROI NJ, Comcast, NJ Advanced Media and NJ Monthly as part of our commitment to showcasing successful leaders.

The Leading Women Entrepreneurs are women who have demonstrated the value of leadership and the heights to which it can take a person, a community or even a nation. We list all of our finalist for free in a variety of media outlets and through the LWE Network.
LWE researches and partners with the most prestigious publications in the country to offer women entrepreneur’s exposure in the markets that will best serve their business growth. We believe that by shining the light on their story and their business journey they will not only inspire others to reach for their business dreams but the women featured will be afforded significant marketing benefits. The packages below are open for women who want to maximize this achievement and reach the masses through our proven system of authoritative positioning.

Complimentary Top 25 Package

  • A listing in NJBIZ (Name & Company)
  • A VIP custom “event in a box” package that you will receive the week before the event with your award, event instructions and surprises
  • 1 Ticket to the virtual recognition event on October 6, 2021
  • Picture and 50 word bio in the virtual event program
  • 1 Ticket to the VIP ZOOM Speed Networking event on September 9, 2021. This is an opportunity to meet the other honorees, sponsors and media only

NJBIZ Feature Story Opportunity

  • LWE and NJBIZ are proud to showcase your success! Your feature story will be positioned under the context of being a TOP 25 LEADING WOMEN –OR- Force for Change in New Jersey
  • A listing of all winners will published in a special LWE / Force for Change section of the 2021 NJBIZ October print and online publication. This issue is a referral source that readers will hold onto and refer back to again and again!
  • Reach an influential audience of 57,525 NJBIZ readers with 88% making purchasing decisions for their company. 63% have taken positive actions as a result of seeing an Ad in NJBIZ, such as contacted the advertiser or visited a website.
  • The LWE/FFC Awards section has an exponential marketing effect because it gets distributed to the entire LWE network and to the networks of those published in the section.

2020 NJBIZ LWE or Force for Change Feature Story Packages (pdf 2-page version)

Join Newsletter

Leading Women Brand Builders, Intrapreners and Entrepreneurs

Event Program Online Ads:

Full page- $500


Proudly Market Yourself!

NJBIZ Gain Visibility

Reach an influential group of business readers and referral sources in an issue readers will hold onto and refer back to again and again!

Starter Basic Smart Premium Ultra
Profile Size 1/9 Page 1/3 Page 1/2 Page 1 Full Page 2 Full Page
NJ Monthly Magazine
NJMonthly.com Enhanced Listing
Social Media Campaign
Bonus Magazine Reprint 5 Issues 10 Issues 20 Issues 40 Issues



Value $4,745

Savings $2,245


Value $6,030

Savings $2,930


Value $9,000

Savings $2,500


Value $16,100

Savings $6,100

Contact us today: 1-877-593-2090 | [email protected]

Thank you for your interest!We will be in touch shortly.

If you are interested in Advertising or Sponsorship , Please fill out the form below and we will personally contact you with all the details.

Marketing & Advertising Opportunities LWE Position Yourself as an Authority

Our Sponsors

I just wanted to reach out to Thank you for all of your advice from the Money Power and Media event last May. I have been really proactive with all of your steps and I am starting to see a big difference. Getting involved with the LWE has really helped to get me out from behind the scenes, improve my self-confidence and get myself and company out in the media. I am now on the Board of Directors for the PWC NJ, was recently asked to be on my first panel (see below) and today Vericon was listed in the NJBIZ Top 250 Privately Held Companies in NJ. We are #142 !!! And of course the biggest accomplishment of the year, being a Top 150 2016 finalist for LWE. 2016 has been a huge year for me !

Tricia Russel Vohden

New York